Happiness Power Candle〔幸福感〕

Only 1 piece in stock!

幸福本身就帶有魔力。 每個人都被微笑和咯咯笑讓我們的心所感受的方式所吸引。 這支蠟燭將有助於激發自己生活中的幸福,或者感謝某人成為你生活中的陽光。

- Blessing - 
  Happiness that I need, come to me with all speed. Father sky and master sun, warm my heart and brighten my eye. My need is clear; joy and cheer are wanted here. Invigorate my soul and light my life with childlike happiness that never feels strife. In perfect love and trust, send to me what is just. Harming none and helping all is how it shall be. This I make true.

- 香氣 - 

- 功用 - 
✣ 將幸福感傳達開去
✣ 感謝對方(或自己)成為某人的陽光

尺寸:小蠟燭 1.5“ x 2“, 大蠟燭 2" x 4"

燃燒時間:蠟燭 約10小時, 大蠟燭 約40 小時

- 使用須知 - 
1. 點燃前取下所有包裝
2. 在通風情況下燃燒,附近不要擺放易燃物
3. 太長的燭芯修剪預留約0.8公分就可以
4. 利用蓋子或滅燭器熄滅燭火,不可用口吹熄
5. 如果火焰看起來太高和/或冒煙,請熄滅蠟燭
6. 睡覺前請記得熄滅蠟燭,不可點著睡覺
7. 孕婦或有特殊醫療條件者,請在使用前諮詢醫生

Happiness carries a magic all of its own.  Everyone is drawn to smiles and giggles and the way it makes our heart feel. 

Blessing: Happiness that I need, come to me with all speed…Father sky and master sun warm my heart and brighten my eye.  My need is clear; joy and cheer are wanted here.  Invigorate my soul and light my life with childlike happiness that never feels strife.  In perfect love and trust, send to me what is just…Harming none and helping all is how it shall be.  This I make true.

A sunny yellow candle with a vanilla and patchouli musk blend.
Each votive burns for 10 hours.
2“ x 4“ pillar burns for 40 hours.

Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.


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