Saturn Intention Candle 土星意念魔法蠟燭



Saturn Intention Candle 


全枝蠟燭以100% 純蜂蠟製成,並加入有關土星特殊的草藥和黑瑪瑙,可用來扼殺阻礙,結束拖延、干擾、或無法有效利用時間的情況,並用來保留住需要的,驅除不需要的,是魔法中的終極幫手

- 香氣 - 

- 功用 - 
✣ 神聖的知識和智慧,並消除悲傷
✣ 打破常規、創立新事物
解決困難與限制 ,避受暗害和威脅
✣ 遠離負面情緒和負能量、死亡威脅
✣ 斬斷不適合的人事物
✣ 協助集中、帶來安全、堅定不移的力量
✣ 增強魔力、淬鍊神祕學知識

- 用法 by Witch Cherrie- 



尺寸:8“高, 2.3"直徑

- 使用須知 - 
1. 在通風情況下請燃燒至少2-3 小時,附近不要擺放易燃物
2. 燒的時候請完整燒完一圈使表面平整再熄滅
3. 蠟燭熄滅後,蠟油尚未凝固前將燭芯移回中心
4. 太長的燭芯修剪預留約0.8公分就可以
5. 利用蓋子或滅燭器熄滅燭火,不可用口吹熄
6. 如果火焰看起來太高和/或冒煙,請熄滅蠟燭
7. 睡覺前請記得熄滅蠟燭,不可點著睡覺
8. 孕婦或有特殊醫療條件者,請在使用前諮詢醫生

An intention candle dedicated to Saturn, father of time, master builder, lord of Winter, reaper of all that is sown.

Created to be burned during intention setting, Saturn devotions, ritual work, or as an altar candle. It can also be used as a candle to honor Saturn (Kronos) for devotional or remediation work, during heavy Saturn transits, and to honor Capricorn or Aquarius.

The meaning behind the Saturn candle is to bring focus and attention to working with our own integrity, perseverance, truth, mindfulness and for supporting structure in our lives

- Good for -
Perfect for Bring focus and attention to working with our own integrity, perseverance, truth, mindfulness and for supporting structure in our lives

- Perfect for -
Meditation, Prayer, Ritual, Intention Setting

Measures approx. 8" tall and 2.3" diameter
Approximate burn times : 60 hrs 

Astatula Candle Co.香港獨家代理發售中
Astatula Candle Co. is now available exclusively at Holy Bubbles

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