Healing Candle 療癒身心情感魔法蠟燭

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Healing Candle用於圍繞恢復身體、情感和精神健康進行意向設置。 當需要重置身體、治某個情況或你自己時很有用,並在各個層面邀請愛的療癒。

每支蠟燭的底部都有一個微小的水晶,一旦蠟燭燒盡,它就會靠近您,以保持您的意圖成真。 說明包括如何準備你的儀式、設定你的意圖,以及原始的療癒肯定。

每支蠟燭均採用 100% 加拿大蜂蠟、天然染料和棉芯手工卷製而成。

尺寸:長 9“,直徑約 3/4“

燃燒時間:約 10 小時

- 使用須知 - 
1. 點燃前取下所有包裝
2. 在通風情況下燃燒,附近不要擺放易燃物
3. 太長的燭芯修剪預留約0.8公分就可以
4. 利用蓋子或滅燭器熄滅燭火,不可用口吹熄
5. 如果火焰看起來太高和/或冒煙,請熄滅蠟燭
6. 睡覺前請記得熄滅蠟燭
7. 孕婦或有特殊醫療條件者,請在使用前諮詢醫生

Reset The Body, Heal a Situation or Yourself

The Healing Candle is used for intention setting around restoring physical, emotional and spiritual health. Useful when needing to reset the body, heal a situation or yourself, and invite loving-healing in on all levels.

Each candle contains a tiny clear Quartz crystal at the bottom that is meant to be kept close to you once the candle has burned down to keep your intention alive. Directions are included in how to prepare for your ritual, to set your intention, as well as an original Healing affirmation.

Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.


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