Wildcrafted Cedar〔野生雪松〕

Holy Bubbles深信草藥的生產地、種植與採收過程也會影響牠們的功效和影響力,遠至影響儀式或淨化過程所產出的能量。由美洲原住民野生種植,當中已超過一千年歷史的北美印第安人文化,他們熱愛大自然,直到現今秉持與大地共存的意識。千年來以對耕種的堅持和尊重,由選址土地土壤、種植、切割,甚至包裝手工綑綁等;經過所有的儀式後,為我們帶來神聖而原始的禮物,同樣是在Holy Bubbles唯一所售的雪松

淨化|神聖 保護

雪松是一種保護草本。 雪松樹是非常古老、智慧和強大的靈魂。 首次搬入新居時,雪松通常用於清潔房屋或公寓,邀請不受歡迎的靈魂離開,並保護人、地方或物體免受不受歡迎的影響。

幾個世紀以來,雪松提供在進行儀式時啟動保護作用,形成一個潔凈的個人神聖空間。 它以淨化地方、物體和人的力量而聞名。 雪松以其吸引良好能量和消除負能量的能力而聞名


》點燃 雪松淨化空間的用法《

- 使用須知 - 
1. 在通風情況下燃燒,附近不要擺放易燃物
2. 睡覺前請記得熄滅火種,不可點著睡覺
3. 孕婦、有特殊醫療條件者或養有寵物,請在使用前諮詢醫生

Ethically Wildcrafted by Native Indians
The North America Heritage - has more than 1000 years of Indian history, bringing the sacred and initial smudging plants directly to you.

Purifying | Sacred

Cedar: Provides grounding and joy when involved with personal transformation whether internal (new values, attitudes, beliefs) or external (new job, house) and it allows you to 'be' in the present moment.

Cedar is an herb of protection. Cedar trees are very old, wise and powerful spirits. Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.

It works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction.

Cedar cleansing have been used for centuries in rituals and cleansing ceremonies. It's best known for it's power to purify places, objects and people. Cedar is best known for it's ability to attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy. 

This cedar is for smudging ONLY

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