AGUA SANTA〔埃及儀式聖水〕
南方聖水,用來加強用家的意圖和念力。 可以將它們撒在儀式工具上作加強效力,也可用在個人身體、沐浴之中進行加強力量、祝福和奉獻。
- 功用 -
✣ 埃及儀式中使用的祝福聖水,任何需要的情況下可使用
Fluidic capacitors are Southern Waters which serve to reinforce the operator's intention. Use them as a local application or as a sprinkle on your ritual tools, to make markings, in bath water, in rinsing water, in personal ablutions or to make charges, blessings and consecrations.
Blessed according to the Egyptian Rites, Southern charging water, All-purpose
2.8 oz