Alice & Eve Magick Candle〔絕版〕

Only 1 piece in stock!


用針或釘子在蠟燭的側面以〝螺旋形〞將這對夫婦/情侶的名字刻上 5 次。 將蠟燭握在手中並祈禱。 每天點燃蠟燭,並做持續 5 天。

- 香氣 - 

- 功用 - 
✣ 加強愛情力量
✣ 鞏固 情侶雙方的感情
✣ 確認雙方的伴侶關係
✣ 防止出現破壞感情的人或事情

尺寸:2" x 4"

燃燒時間:約40 小時

- 使用須知 - 
1. 點燃前取下所有包裝
2. 在通風情況下燃燒,附近不要擺放易燃物
3. 太長的燭芯修剪預留約0.8公分就可以
4. 利用蓋子或滅燭器熄滅燭火,不可用口吹熄
5. 如果火焰看起來太高和/或冒煙,請熄滅蠟燭
6. 睡覺前請記得熄滅蠟燭,不可點著睡覺
7. 孕婦或有特殊醫療條件者,請在使用前諮詢醫生

Whether you are going through a rough patch or are blissfully happy, deepen the love you feel for each other and strengthen your marriage.Whether you are going through a rough patch or are blissfully happy, deepen the love you feel for each other and strengthen your marriage.

With a pin or nail inscribe the name of the couple 5 times in a spiral up the side of the candle. Hold the candle in your hands and say a prayer. Light the candle every day for 5 days.

A lush burgundy candle with an earthy floral scent.
2“ x 4“ pillar burns for 40 hours.

Remove all packaging before lighting and never leave a burning candle unattended.

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